Saturday, March 24, 2007


West Hill Library

For those of you missing your West Hill library, or just tired of driving downtown, the new facility has been framed. Yes, after months of wondering if they're ever going to get the foundation right, apparently the crews have and they've moved on to putting up the walls.

The branch closed last July and is slated to re-open in June. Given the pace of construction these days, that's attainable.

Unless the new space is mind blowing and full of what I want, I'm still inclined to go downtown. Downtown is the system's main branch and a beautiful facility full of what I need. The old West Hill branch was a nice "run to" but not a replacement for the main branch. Perhaps I'll get my requests sent there, though.

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Monday, March 19, 2007


Several local readings

Folks, I have several upcoming poetry readings and book signings in the area, with details here on my blog. It would be great to see you there, and please spread the word. Prairie Fever is now available at Amazon and elsewhere. Thanks for supporting a local poet!

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Attempted Revival

Finally I have things pretty much humming on my home blog, so I'm now turning my attention GABBward. We started a pretty good thing here last Summer, but it got kind of lost with vacations, then the crush of the campaign season.

I've spent a fair amount of my online time lately updating the Akron blogroll. First off, I've deleted a number of blogs because they haven't posted in forever:


Peanut Butter Knife
De’s Shop
Walk Back
Vin Vini Vino

Daily Depression
has disappeared completely. How . . . sad.

The Green report has as well. Green had switched out of blogspot some time ago and I hadn't updated. But now his archive has also disappeared, as has his new blog. No word on whether he got a job in Marc Dann's office.

How I got the idea that Dave Dempsey was from Summit Co. is now a mystery. Maybe he was when I added him, but now he clearly is not, so he’s dropped. His blog about environment issues in the Great Lakes is plenty interesting, though. He has made the switch to typepad – -- which I’ve added to my reader.

I also dropped Bloggin’ Ryan because he moved to Atlanta. I still have you on my Reader tho. S’all good, s’all good.

A couple of blogs from the list still remain in slightly different configurations. Lord Akron is now Blackstar Cadaver at the same address. Socioeconomics is now Radical Disbelief At a new URL.

In the course of doing all this, I also searched for new area blogs. I found Cotswold Corner Diary because the writer had found me. She showed up in a Technorati search for my home blog, having just rolled me. As I read through, it appears she's in Medina County.

I also found Branding and Marketing, a blog about -- well you can probably figure it out. The blogger is from Hudson.

A couple weeks ago I added Paula Mooney, a freelance writer here in Akron and a friend of my friend Jill at Writes Like She Talks.

So now we have an up to date blogroll. All we need is some content. And a mission. And some readers would be nice . . .

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