Friday, May 26, 2006


Post MeetUp Post

We had our first Akron Area Bloggers MeetUp last night at Momus. Most of us had met up before at MTB events. Redhorse, Kyle, Terra, McKee and I are MTB alums. McKee brought Mrs. Boring and we all met PeppermintLisa. An excellent core to be going on with, but we'd like more folks.

Once again I forgot that the facilitator shouldn't also be the notetaker, so the following summary is mostly from memory. Any participants are welcome to pile on in here and tell me what I get wrong.

We discussed a little about blogging and a lot about what a blogging group can bring to Akron. As to the latter, we talked about:

How to use GABB -- do we want to make it a blog about blogging or try to create a community portal? We agreed there is definite need for an interactive community website, especially now that RubberBuzz is no longer being updated. On the other hand, GABB also has potential as a way to communicate within the blogging community. We never really resolved the issue. For now, GABB is what you now see. What we really need to do is work on content here and let it evolve where it will.

Second, we talked about MTB and some MTB-like activities. As people with a platform, we have some pull and may be able to swing access where we otherwise wouldn't. Folks are working on their various connections to set things up. As people schedule things, they will go up here in posts and on the Upcoming badge.

We have some art of the event:

Redhorse, PeppermintLisa, Mrs. Boring

Mr. Boring, Kyle, Terra

All in all a good time. Hope to see more folks out next time.

Ooh! So jealous!

Our permanent babysitters are now installed in Akron, so depending on my birthin' situation I should be able to attend soon...and perhaps Mr. Frank "I don't update my blog and my name isn't Frank" Thompson will get his act in gear one of these days too.

Regards to the fellow bloggers!
From the looks of the smiles on everyone's faces, either there was a lot of goading going on, or everyone had a pretty good time.

Congrats on your first Akron Blogger meet up!
Wish I could have been there! Too much work. UHG.
I've been so out of the loop I totally forgot this was even happening.
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